We are writing the future of Ghana, and Africa. We’re committed to working towards educational equity on a national and continental level because we believe that ensuring all children—everywhere—receive a high quality education leads to a more just, peaceful, and thriving Ghana, and Africa. Within and beyond our movement, we engage with incredible people all over the country and continent every day, and go to bed knowing our hard work and passion are helping to drive significant impact.

You will grow by stepping outside your comfort zone

As a growing movement with ambitious goals, Mami Boami Foundation operates in an innovative and ever-evolving environment. By necessity and design, our teams are responsible for multiple projects and are given a high level of accountability and flexibility to do their best work. We value a culture of supportive feedback that allows us to continuously learn, improve, and excel.

We work with exceptional individuals

Rooted in our core beliefs: Responsibility is Mutual, Innovation is Simple, and Impossible is Nothing, Mami Boami is committed to building a diverse and inclusive community in which everyone learns from and collaborates with each other. While we are ambitious and hard-working, we are also generous and friendly. Through our unique perspectives, we expand each other’s worlds.

We’re flexible so you can be too

At Mami Boami Foundation we’re passionate about our mission and serious about our work, but we’re also human beings with full lives and multiple priorities. Being a national movement may mean working on weekends, taking an early morning or late evening trip, but it also allows us to adapt our schedules around family priorities.


Recruitment & Marketing

The Recruitment & Marketing team’s mission is to realize our brand and to bridge the gap between the perception of the public and who we are. Their task involves building strong relationships with key stakeholders with the aim of fostering and maintaining a strong reputation – and compelling them to take desired actions.

Development & Government Relations

The Development & Government Engagement (DGR) team cultivates the financial resources, teaching placements and strategic relationships necessary to build and scale a robust and sustainable Mami Boami Foundation.

Leadership Growth & Alumni Network Impact

The Leadership Growth and Alumni Network Impact team develops and supports Fellows and Alumni to achieve transformative systemic change in Ghana. They bridge classroom and system leadership— enabling the organization to build the reflective capacity necessary to accelerate impact over time and ultimately bring about more equitable outcomes for ever greater numbers of children in Ghana.

Strategy & Operations

The Strategy & Operations team ensures the organizational viability, strength, and impact. They design and make up the backbone of the organization—organizational structure, management, human resources, governance, finance, data management and administration systems.

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