Mami Boami Foundation is a social intervention and network organization nurturing a nationwide movement of female leaders through concerted efforts at achieving the Sustainable Development Goals 3(Establish Good Health and Well-Being) and 5(Enforce Gender Equality).

We are a team of young professionals who mobilize funds and resources and frequently donate to teenagers in public schools. We educate them on personal hygiene, career guidance and women empowerment/leadership related discussions.

Our founder and CEO, Mrs Etornam Sey, is passionate about women’s health and equality. Since 2019, through her community projects, she has donated thousands of sanitary pads, underpants, bathing soaps and other personal hygiene items to thousands of girls in public schools in Ghana.

In 2021, INSPIRE TODAY was established to reach many more teenage girls especially in rural communities. Now a registered NGO based in Ghana, INSPIRE TODAY is leading the effort to safeguard the dignity of teenage girls around the world. We have a team of Pharmacists, Midwives and Senior nursing officers who are knowledgeable in female related issues.

The NGO is headquartered in Accra, Ghana. It currently operates in the Greater Accra region with plans of expanding to all 16 regions of Ghana by 2030. 


To provide sanitary pads, underpants and other personal hygiene items to teenage girls in public schools who can’t afford them or access them both in Ghana and globally.

To break the taboo by normalising conversations around menstruation so that girls will no longer be held back in life simply because they menstruate, To educate, support and empower teenage girls. We’re committed to working towards educational equity on a national and continental level because we believe that ensuring all children—everywhere—receive a high quality education leads to a more just, peaceful, and thriving Ghana, and Africa.


We are working towards 2050 when all teenage girls in every public school in Ghana will not have to worry about access to basic menstrual hygiene items or access to educational materials.

Every teenage girl deserves a dignified menstruation experience irrespective of their socio-economic background and geographical location. For us, an excellent education is one that equips our children to complete senior high school, with full access to what the world offers.

Our teenage girls will strive for academic excellence, with the ability to think critically about the world around them. They will ask questions, challenge norms, and seek to understand and digest information. They will have control over their financial lives, determine their career choices, and develop a plan to execute their aspirations. They will approach life with a strong sense of possibility, passion, and zeal, with a willingness to address challenges and develop solution-based thinking.

Our girls will demonstrate a strong level of optimism about their life outcomes. They will have a strong support system of champions and the social and cultural capital to engage successfully and succeed in the current system but keenly aware of its flaws. They will develop the ethical mindsets that guide their everyday interactions and will value honesty and integrity.

Our girls will act as consciously driven citizens aware of the systems of injustice that exist and believe that a more equitable system is achievable in Ghana and abroad. This can only be possible if we create a conducive environment that makes it possible to go to school and enjoy their studies whether they are menstruating or not.


Teenage girls in public schools who are missing classes because of lack of sanitary pads and other personal hygiene items Girls from poor communities who have to choose between whether to spend charity that is given them on food or sanitary pad.

Etornam sey
Ceo / founder


ama pokua asenso

tutua agyekum